Monday, July 29, 2013

{Chevron} Restroom Signs Posters

You're in the middle of a really great lesson, the kids are engaged, we are moving and grooving through the higher order thinking skills, you see those bright lights begin flickering over each student's head as they begin to have their "Aha!" moments.... and then someone asks to go to the restroom.

At this moment, I feel defeated and in my head I'm thinking, "My dog can wait 8 hours to go to the restroom and you can't even wait until we are finished with my awesome learning activity?!?!?!?"

Confession: Sometimes I say that out loud...

How are students supposed to know when are appropriate times to ask to go to the restroom? What about a system that displays that procedure for you? Here ya go! Restroom Signs.

With these cute little posters displayed back to back on your board, who wouldn't want to follow the proper procedure?!?!?

Keep these in a page protector with a magnet on your main white board and flip to whichever side you need. If you are in the middle of an awesome teaching sign, display the "Please Wait". If you are in a non-whole group teaching time, display the "You have permission to go".

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Defined limits for the students and a less frustrated teacher, could anything be more perfect?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Chevron Noise/Voice/Volume Level Posters

Last year was my first year in an open concept classroom.

Think: No doors and the only thing separating you from the next classroom is a divider or cabinets that you can see over if you stand on your tippy-toes. 

It was a challenge for sure! I know that it took my awhile to adapt my teaching style (AKA: project voice to the back of the room....that was 100 ft away!) I struggled with not only monitoring my own voice, but also the voices of my students when we were involved in various activities (ex. a rousing reviewing Jeopardy game, or a wild and animated multiplication game of Around the World)

Enter these posters: 

My goal is that these poster will remind my little friends of the appropriate volume level that we should be talking. Silence is obviously for independent work or testing environment, spy talk is for friend-to-friend, low flow- small group, etc. All the posters are color coded by "feeling" color (meaning: the cooler the color, the quieter our voices; the warmer the color, the louder our voices) and in what setting.

When I get my classroom set-up and decorated, I'll be sure to post more pictures of how I'll use it in the classroom.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Aaaaaaannnnnd We're Back!

So, I started this little bloggy here when I was a wee little teacher with only a year under  my educator belt...... (insert maniacal laugh). Now, with 3 years experience, getting married, and moving to one of the largest school districts in Texas, I feel like I am more prepared to write.

Bear with me as I re-learn how to make onceuponadigitaltime a little more colorful and a lot more entertaining!

Before all of that, FREEBIE TIME! Visit my TPT store to get  my freebie labels for your pencil storage drawers! Stay tuned for more!